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User manual – core functionality

Basic usage

By design, Ruber can be used to work on both stand-alone files (for example, a small ruby script) or projects containing multiple files.

At any given time, you can have multiple projects open, but can work on only one of them: this is called the active project. When a project is opened using the Project/Open Project, Project/Open Recent Project or Project/New Project menu entries, it automaticaly becomes active. You can later change the active project selecting it in the Project/Active Project menu entry.

All editors open while a given project is active are said to be associated with the project itself. When another project becomes active the editors associated with the previous project are hidden, while the ones associated with the new project become visible (note that this doesn’t discard changes to existing files. Also, while there may be more than one editor for a single file, there’s only a single document associated with them so that changes made to a document in an editor are reflected in all the editors associated with that document, even if associated with another project).

When there’s no open project, or the Project/Active Project/None menu entry is selected, Ruber is in stand-alone files mode. The editors opened while in this mode are not associated with any projects and will be hidden when a project is activated.

Note: multiple projects and the distinction between stand-alone files mode and projects mode are implemented only from version 0.0.9.

Editing stand-alone files

The basic operations to work with a single file are those common to most editors: use the File/New menu entry to create a new file or the File/Open menu entry to open an existing file and File/Save or File/Save As menu entries to save it.

Like other editors, Ruber allows you to change settings for a single file. To do so, use the Document/Configure Document menu entry. Using this functionality you can, for example, tell Ruber to always use a particular ruby interpreter to execute that file, without changing the default global interpreter. Note that this only works for ruby settings. For settings used by the editor component, you’ll need to use modelines. See the Kate documentation.

Note that some of the functionality provided by plugins only works for projects. This is because stand-alone files are meant to truly be stand-alone. For example, the rake plugin provides no functionality for single files, because usually a Rakefile is used together with other files.

Working with split views

From version 0.0.7, Ruber supports split views. This means that you can have more than one view in a single tab. To split the current view in two, you use the Window/Split Horizontally and Window/Split Vertically menu entries. This will divide the view which currently has focus in two, with both halves displaying the same document. If you want to have one of the views, you can use one of the other entries of the Window menu:

You can move between different views in the same tab using the Next View Horizontally, Next View Vertically, Previous View Horizontally and Previous View Vertically entries in the Window menu.

When working with more than one view per tab, note that the File/Close menu entry will close the current view, not the current tab. To close all the views in the current tab at the same time, you can use the close button on the tab (unless you disabled them) or the File/Close Current Tab entry.

Working with projects

In Ruber, a project consists of a directory (called project directory_) containing a file with extension .ruprj and possibly one or two oteher files, one with extension .ruusr and one with extension .ruses. The first file is called project file, the second is called user file and the third session file.

The project files contains settings which are intrinsic to the project (for example, the name of the project, which files belong to the project, or the patterns associating each file with its spec file).

The user file, instead, contains settings which are specific for a user (for example, the path of the ruby interpreter to use, which may vary on different systems, or the shortcuts to associate to rake tasks, which each developers chooses according to his own preferences).

The session file contains settings which are not only specific to a user, but also to the current status of the environment. For example, the list of open files in the project (used to restore them when Ruber is next started) is stored here. Usually, settings in this file are created automatically and don’t appear in the project configuration dialog.

Of these files, the project file is the only one which defines the identity of the project and the only one which is meant to be shared among developers working on the project; the other two files are optional and not meant to be shared. If your project is under version control, you usually want to version control only the project file (unless you’re working alone, in which case you may also want to version control the user file).

To open an existing project, use the Projects/Open Project menu entry, or the Projects/Open Recent Project.

To create a new project, use the Projects/New Project menu entry. You’ll be shown a dialog where you must enter the project name and choose a location where to create it (the default location is controlled by a global setting). Pressing the OK button will create a directory named as the project in the location you chose and containing a project, user file and sessions file having the same name as the directory.

After creating a new project, one of the first things to do is setup the list of files which Ruber should consider as belonging to the project.

To decide whether or not a file belongs to the project, Ruber uses include rules and exclude rules:

There are three kinds of rules:

file rules
strings which specify a single file in the project directory. They only match that file
regexp rules
regexps to match files in the project directory. The names of the files will be relative to the project directory (without any leading ./).
shell glob rules
shell globs which match files in the project directory.

File rules and regexp rules can be used to specify either include or exclude rules, while shell glob rules can only be used for include rules.

To create the list of files belonging to the project, use the Project/Configure Project menu entry and go to the General page of the dialog. It’s aspect will be similar to the following.

General page of the Project Settings dialog

Write the shell glob rules in the Extensions line edit, separate by either spaces or commas, or both (note that you can’t have spaces in the globs). This is usually done so that files with certain extensions belong to the project without having to add them explicitly.

To add a file or regexp include rule, use the corresponding buttons in the Files to include box, while to add file and regexp exclude rules use the buttons in the Files to exclude box. To remove a rule, select it and click on the Remove rule button in the appropriate section. Note that you can only add a file rule for an existing file.

In the project configuration dialog, you can also set various project-wide options provided by the plugins you have loaded. You can’t change the project name, however (if you really want to, you can do so opening the project file in any editor (after making sure the project is not open in Ruber), and look for an entry called project_name under a general entry. The value after the colon is the name of the project. Change it and close the file.

Currently, in Ruber you can only have one open project at a time. Opening a project (or creating a new one) will close the current project (if any).

Ruber user interface

Ruber’s UI comprises:

an editor
located in the centre of the Ruber window, this is where you edit the current file.
a tab bar
placed above the editor, it has a tab for each open file. Clicking on a tab you activate the corresponding file, making it visible in the editor
three tool widget bars
located left, right and below the editor, they contain a button for each tool widget. Clicking on the button makes the corresponding tool widget become visible.

Tool widgets

When a tool widget has focus, you can use the View/Activate Editor menu entry to switch back to the editor (without closing the tool widget). The three entries in the View/Tool Widgets submenu, instead will each close the corresponding tool widget if visible, and display it if hidden. In the former case, the focus will be given back to the editor.

All the tool widget displaying the output from external programs share some functionality. In particular:

Some tool widgets also provide a filtering functionality. To use it, choose the “Create Filter” entry from the context menu, enter the desired regular expression in the line edit which becomes visible and (with focus in the line edit) press Enter. Now only the lines matching the regexp you entered will be visible. You can remove the filter using the Clear Filter context menu entry. If you want to remove the filter but be able to apply it without writing it again, check the Ignore Filter entry. Uncheking it will make the filter active again.

The Quick Open File dialog

When you have a project open, you can quickly open a file belonging to the project by using the Quick Open File menu entry in the Project menu. It’l display a dialog with a list of all files in the project and a line edit above it. In the line edit, you can enter a regular exrpession to restrict the list of files. If the regexp contains the path separator (/), the regexp will match both the file name and the directory name (relative to the project directory). If the regexp doesn’t contain a path separator, only the file name will be matched.

For example, suppose the list of files is:


If the regexp is plug, then the list will only contain plugins.rb. If the regexp is plugins/, then all three files will be listed.

Pressing the up and down keys on your keyboard will navigate the list of files even if the focus is in the line edit.

Configuring Ruber

Choosing the plugins

You can choose the plugins using the Settings/Choose Plugins menu entry. It’ll display a dialog like the one in the following picture General page of the Project Settings dialog

The list at the top of the widget contains all the plugins availlable on your system, together with a description (second column) and their plugin directory (third column).

Checked plugins are the ones you have enabled (or which are enabled in the default Ruber configuration, if you didn’t change it).

Plugins which are partially checked (like Ruby runner and Autosave in the picture) are plugins which you didn’t choose, but are needed because some of the plugins you’ve enabled need them. You can click again on them to choose them, but can’t disable them.

The lower part of the dialog contains a list of directories which are searched for plugins. By default, the plugins subdirectory Ruber installation directory and a directory in your KDE configuration directory. You can add other directories by inserting it in the URL widget above the list, then pressing the Add button. To remove a directory, select it, then press the Remove button. You can move the selected directory up and down with the corresponding buttons. Plugins in directories higher in the list have priority over those in directories below them.

If changing the plugin directories causes problems, such as some selected plugins being missing, or some dependencies among plugins being unsatisfied, you’ll be warned with a message box.

Configuring the editor component

To configure the editor, use the Settings/Configure Editor menu entry. The dialog is the same as the Editor component page in the Kate Settings dialog.

Configuring Ruber

To change options related to Ruber, use the Settings/Configure Ruber menu entry.

The Ruber core provides two pages in this dialog, General and Colors (the other pages you may see are associated with plugins and will be described in each plugin’s section).

The General page

In the General page, you can configure:

The Colors page

In the Colors page, you can configure the colors commonly used by various tool widgets, in particular those displaying output from external programs.

Each line of text in these tool widget is of one of four categories:

text displayed by the external program on standard output
text displayed by the external program on standard error and referring to errors (for example, uncaught exceptions raised by ruby)
text displayed by the external program on standard error and containing warnings (for example those messages output by ruby when called with the -w flag)
text which doesn’t belong to any of the other categories. Usually, this is text produced by Ruber itself (either the core or, more often, the plugin the tool widget belongs to).

Beside each of the Output, Error and Warning label there are three color selectors, labeled “Default”, “Variant 1” and “Variant 2”. Variants can be used by plugins to display text belonging to the same category but with somewhat different meaning in different colors (for example, a plugin which runs two programs in sequence can use the default color to display the output of the first one and the “variant 1” color for the output of the second).

Also beside the Message label there are color selectors, labeled with “Default”, “Good” and “Bad”. The meaning is similar to those of the variants: the color associated with “Good” is used to display messages which the user will consider good (for example, the success of a given operation). Conversely, the color associated with “Bad” is used to inform of bad news (for example, that something has failed), while the “Default” color is used for messages which are neither good nor bad.

The Workspace page

In the Workspace page you can choose whether or not to display close buttons on the main tab widget.