Class: Ruber::Workspace
- Inherits:
- Object
- Qt::Widget
- Ruber::Workspace
- Defined in:
- lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb
Widget representing the main area of Ruber’s main window. It contains the space for the main widget (that is, the tab widget where the editors are located) and the tool widgets, together with their tab bars.
To allow for several main widgets existing (but not being visible) at the same time
(one main widget for each environment) the space for the main widget is given by
a single Qt::StackedWidget
, where the different main widgets are placed using
#add_widget. #main_widget= is then used to bring one of the main widgets to
the foreground; #remove_widget removes a widget from the stacked widget (to be
used when a project is closed).
The workspace provides three tool widgets containers, one on each side of the
main widget except above it. The container on each side is indipendent from the
others. The containers have buttons for their tool widgets and a Qt::StackedWidget
for the widget themselves. Each container is indipendent from the other ones
A tool widget can be in several different states:
- raised or lowered: a tool widget is raised when it’s on the top of its container stacked widget. There can be only one raised tool widget for side. All tool widgets which aren’t raised are said to be lowered
- visible or hidden: each tool widget container can be visible or hidden. The raised tool widget in a visible container is said to be visible. Widgets in an hidden container are said to be hidden.
- active or inactive: the active tool widget is the one which has keyboard focus; all others are inactive. Of course there can be at most one active tool widget across the whole workspace. If the focus is not in one of the tool widgets (most likely meaning one of the editors has focus), all tool widgets will be inactive.
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: StackedWidget, ToolData
Instance Method Summary (collapse)
- (Object) activate_tool(tool)
Gives focus to the tool widget tool (raising and showing it if necessary).
- (Object) active_tool
Returns the active tool widget, or nil if there’s no active tool widget.
- (nil) add_tool_widget(side, widget, icon, caption)
Adds a tool widget to the workspace.
- - (Object) add_widget(w)
- (Object) create_skeleton
Helper method which creates the structure of the workspace (layout, button bars, splitters and tab view).
- - (Object) current_widget(side)
- (Object) hide_tool(tool)
Hides the stack containing the tool widget tool, giving focus to the active editor, if tool is raised (that is, if it is the current widget of its stack).
- (Workspace) initialize(parent = nil)
A new instance of Workspace.
- - (Object) main_widget
- - (Object) main_widget(w)
- (Object) raise_tool(tool)
Raises the tool widget tool_, which can be either the tool widget itself or its objectname, either as a string or symbol.
- (Object) remove_tool_widget(arg)
Removes a tool widget.
- - (Object) remove_widget(w)
- (Object) resize_tool(tool)
Resizes the splitter where the tool widget tool is so that the size of tool matches that of the last time it was used.
- (Object) show_tool(tool)
Shows the tool widget tool.
- (Object) store_sizes
Stores the tool widgets size in the configuration manager.
- (Object) store_tool_size(tool)
Stores the size of the splitter slot where the tool widget tool is in the @sizes instance variable.
- (Object) toggle_tool(tool)
- (Object) tool_and_data(arg)
Returns an array containing the tool widget corresponding to arg and its data (that is, the entry in the @widgets hash corresponding to the tool widget).
- (Object) tool_widgets
Returns a hash having all the tool widgets as keys and the side each of them is (:left, :right, :bottom) as values.
Signal Summary
- tool_raised(QWidget* arg1)
:method: tool_raised(tool).
- removing_tool(QWidget* arg1)
:method: removing_tool(tool).
- tool_shown(QWidget* arg1)
:method: tool_shown Signal: tool_shown(QWidget*).
Constructor Details
- (Workspace) initialize(parent = nil)
A new instance of Workspace
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 129 def initialize parent = nil super parent @button_bars = {} @splitters = {} @stacks = {} @widgets = {} @next_id = 0 @tool_sizes = {} @sizes = Ruber[:config][:workspace, :tools_sizes].dup create_skeleton end |
Instance Method Details
- (Object) activate_tool(tool)
Gives focus to the tool widget tool (raising and showing it if necessary). tool can be either the tool widget itself or its object_name (as either a string or symbol). If tool doesn’t represent a valid tool widget, nothing happens. If tool is a string or symbol and more than one tool widget with the same name exists, which one will obtain focus is undefined.
270 271 272 273 274 275 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 270 def activate_tool tool tool, data = tool_and_data tool return unless tool show_tool tool unless tool.visible? tool.set_focus end |
- (Object) active_tool
Returns the active tool widget, or nil if there’s no active tool widget.
354 355 356 357 358 359 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 354 def active_tool fw = KDE::Application. if @widgets.include? fw then fw else @widgets.keys.find{|w| w.find_children(Qt::Widget).include? fw} end end |
- (nil) add_tool_widget(side, widget, icon, caption)
Adds a tool widget to the workspace
174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 174 def side, , icon, caption if @stacks.values.include? .parent Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "This widget has already been added as tool widget" end = @button_bars[side] id = @next_id .append_tab icon, id, caption @widgets[] = side, id @stacks[side]. connect .tab(id), SIGNAL('clicked(int)'), self, SLOT('toggle_tool(int)') @next_id += 1 nil end |
- (Object) add_widget(w)
141 142 143 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 141 def w @main_widget. w end |
- (Object) create_skeleton (private)
Helper method which creates the structure of the workspace (layout, button bars, splitters and tab view)
367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 367 def create_skeleton self.layout = self layout.set_contents_margins 0,0,0,0 layout.vertical_spacing = 0 %w[left right bottom].each do |side| @button_bars[side.to_sym] =, self) end layout. @button_bars[:left], 0, 0 layout. @button_bars[:right], 0, 2 layout. @button_bars[:bottom], 1, 0, 1, -1 v = Qt::Vertical, self h = Qt::Horizontal, v layout. v, 0,1 @splitters[:vertical] = v @splitters[:horizontal] = h [:left, :right, :bottom].each do |s| stack ={|w| w.} @stacks[s] = stack end v. h v. @stacks[:bottom] h. @stacks[:left] @main_widget = self h. @main_widget h. @stacks[:right] end |
- (Object) current_widget(side)
347 348 349 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 347 def side @stacks[side]. end |
- (Object) hide_tool(tool)
Hides the stack containing the tool widget tool, giving focus to the active editor, if tool is raised (that is, if it is the current widget of its stack).
tool can be either the tool widget itself or its object_name (as either a string or symbol). If tool doesn’t represent a valid tool widget, nothing happens. If tool is a string or symbol and more than one tool widget with the same name exists, which one will be used is undefined.
308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 308 def tool tool, data = tool_and_data tool return unless tool store_tool_size tool if tool.visible? stack = tool.parent if stack. == tool @button_bars[data.side].set_tab, false if stack.visible? stack. Ruber[:main_window].focus_on_editor end end end |
- (Object) main_widget
149 150 151 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 149 def @main_widget. end |
- (Object) main_widget=(w)
153 154 155 156 157 158 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 153 def w unless @main_widget.include? w Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "a widget which has not been added to the workspace can\'t become the main widget" end @main_widget. = w end |
- (Object) raise_tool(tool)
Raises the tool widget tool_, which can be either the tool widget itself or its objectname, either as a string or symbol. If tool is not a tool widget (or if no tool widget with that object_name exists), nothing is done. If tool is a string or symbol and more than one tool widget exist with that object_name, which one is raised is undefined.
Note: this method doesn’t make the container of tool visible if it’s hidden
218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 218 def raise_tool tool tool, data = tool_and_data tool return unless tool = @button_bars[data.side] stack = @stacks[data.side] old = stack. if old and old.visible? store_tool_size old old_data = @widgets[old] .set_tab, false end .set_tab, true if old != tool stack. = tool emit tool_raised(tool) emit tool_shown(tool) if stack.visible? end resize_tool tool end |
- (Object) remove_tool_widget(arg)
Removes a tool widget. arg can be either the widget itself or its object_name, either as a string or as a symbol. If the widget isn’t a tool widget, nothing happens.
193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 193 def arg , data = if arg.is_a? String or arg.is_a? Symbol @widgets.find{|k, v| k.object_name == arg.to_s} else [arg, @widgets[arg]] end return unless and data emit removing_tool() stack = @stacks[data.side] raised = stack..equal?() stack. if stack.empty? then stack. else raise_tool stack. end @button_bars[data.side].remove_tab end |
- (Object) remove_widget(w)
145 146 147 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 145 def w @main_widget. w end |
- (Object) resize_tool(tool) (private)
Resizes the splitter where the tool widget tool is so that the size of tool matches that of the last time it was used. The space needed to do so is taken from the editor.
If no size is recorded for tool, nothing is done.
402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 402 def resize_tool tool data = @widgets[tool] side = data.side caption = @button_bars[side].tab( size = @sizes[caption] #|| 150 return unless size case side when :bottom splitter = @splitters[:vertical] total = splitter.sizes.sum new_sizes = [[total - size, 0].max, size] splitter.sizes = new_sizes when :left splitter = @splitters[:horizontal] old_sizes = splitter.sizes total = old_sizes[0..1].sum new_sizes = [size, [total - size, 0].max, old_sizes[-1]] splitter.sizes = new_sizes when :right splitter = @splitters[:horizontal] old_sizes = splitter.sizes total = old_sizes[1..-1].sum new_sizes = [old_sizes[0], [total - size, 0].max, size] splitter.sizes = new_sizes end end |
- (Object) show_tool(tool)
Shows the tool widget tool. This means that tool will become the current widget in its stack and that the stack will become visible (if it’s not already visible). tool won’t receive focus, unless the previously current widget of its stack had focus.
tool can be either the tool widget itself or its object_name, either as string or as symbol. In the latter cases, it there’s more than one tool widget with the same object_name, it’s undefined which one will be shown.
If tool isn’t a tool widget, nothing happens.
250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 250 def show_tool tool tool, data = tool_and_data tool return unless tool data = @widgets[tool] stack = @stacks[data.side] visible = tool.visible? give_focus = stack.find_children(Qt::Widget).any?{|w| w.has_focus} raise_tool tool unless stack.visible? emit tool_shown(tool) unless visible tool.set_focus if give_focus end |
- (Object) store_sizes
Stores the tool widgets size in the configuration manager. It reads the sizes of the splitters for the tool widgets which are visible and uses the values stored previously for the others.
328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 328 def store_sizes @stacks.each_value do |s| w = s. next unless w store_tool_size w if w.visible? end Ruber[:config][:workspace, :tools_sizes] = @sizes end |
- (Object) store_tool_size(tool) (private)
Stores the size of the splitter slot where the tool widget tool is in the @sizes instance variable.
433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 433 def store_tool_size tool data = @widgets[tool] side = data.side caption = @button_bars[side].tab( splitter, pos = case side when :bottom then [@splitters[:vertical], 1] when :left then [@splitters[:horizontal], 0] when :right then [@splitters[:horizontal], 2] end @sizes[caption] = splitter.sizes[pos] end |
- (Object) toggle_tool(tool)
Activates the tool tool if it’s not visibile and hides its stack if instead it’s visible.
tool can be either the tool widget itself or its object_name (as either a string or symbol) or the id of the tab associated with the tool widget. If tool doesn’t represent a valid tool widget, nothing happens. If tool is a string or symbol and more than one tool widget with the same name exists, which one will obtain focus is undefined.
Note: the use of the id of the tab as argument is only for internal use.
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 291 def toggle_tool tool tool, data = tool_and_data tool return unless tool if !tool.visible? then activate_tool tool else tool end end |
Slot Signature:
- (Object) tool_and_data(arg) (private)
Returns an array containing the tool widget corresponding to arg and its data (that is, the entry in the @widgets hash corresponding to the tool widget). arg can be:
- the tool widget itself
- a string or symbol containing the object_name of the widget
- an Integer containing the id of the tab associated with the tool widget. If a suitable tool widget can’t be found (or if arg is of another class), nil is returned.
455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 455 def tool_and_data arg case arg when String, Symbol name = arg.to_s @widgets.find{|w, data| w.object_name == name} when Integer @widgets.find{|w, data| == arg} else if arg.is_a? Qt::Widget data = @widgets[arg] [arg, data] if data end end end |
- (Object) tool_widgets
Returns a hash having all the tool widgets as keys and the side each of them is (:left, :right, :bottom) as values.
341 342 343 344 345 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/workspace.rb', line 341 def res = {} @widgets.each_pair{|w, data| res[w] = data.side} res end |
Signal Details
- tool_raised(QWidget* arg1)
:method: tool_raised(tool)
Signature: tool_raised(QWidget*)
Signal emitted when a tool widget is raised. tool is the widget which has been raised
- removing_tool(QWidget* arg1)
:method: removing_tool(tool)
Signature: removing_tool(QWidget*)
Signal emitted just before the tool widget tool is removed
- tool_shown(QWidget* arg1)
:method: tool_shown Signal: tool_shown(QWidget*)
Signal emitted when a tool widget is shown programmaticaly.