Module: Ruber::RubyRunner

Defined in:


Plugin providing support for running ruby programs.

It provides:

  • an option for the user to choose which ruby interpreter to use (both at global and project level)
  • a menu entry to temporarily choose another interpreter
  • a ready to use widget where the user can enter the options to pass to ruby
  • a class from which plugins which need to run a ruby program may inherit

in the menu ruby interpreter

API for feature ruby_runner

Plugin object API

See API for RubyInterpretersPlugin

Global Settings

ruby/interpreters – <String>
a list of the interpreters to display
ruby/ruby – String
the path of the default interpreter to use
ruby/ruby_options – <String>
a list of the options to pass to the

Project Settings

ruby/ruby – String

the path of the interpreter to use for the project

Only for:
  • projects

Classes API

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: ConfigWidget, ProjectWidget, RubyInterpretersPlugin, RubyOptionsWidget, RubyRunnerPlugin