Class: Ruber::MainWindow
- Inherits:
- Object
- KParts::MainWindow
- Ruber::MainWindow
- Extended by:
- Forwardable
- Includes:
- GuiStatesHandler, PluginLike
- Defined in:
- lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb,
The application’s main window. It is made of a menu bar, a tool bar, a workspace and a status bar. The workspace (see Workspace) is the main window’s central widget and where most of the user interaction happens. It contains the editors and the tool widgets.
Constant Summary
A list of strings to be used to create the filter for open file dialogs
[ '*.rb|Ruby source file (*.rb)', '*.yaml *.yml|YAML files (*.yaml, *.yml)', '*|All files' ]
Instance Attribute Summary (collapse)
- (Object) last_session_data
A hash with the data stored in the session manager by plugins.
- (Workspace) workspace
The widget which contains the tool widgets.
Attributes included from PluginLike
Instance Method Summary (collapse)
- (Object) :@workspace
:method: tool_widgets Returns a hash having the tool widgets as keys and their positions as values.
- (KDE::Action) action_for_project(prj)
The action in the Active Project action list associated with a project.
- (Object) activate_editor(editor)
Activates an editor.
- (Object) active_document
(also: #current_document)
The document associated with the active editor.
- (EditorView?) active_editor
(also: #current_editor)
The active editor.
- (nil) add_about_plugin_action(comp)
Creates an About entry for a component in the “about plugins list” of the Help menu.
- (Project?) change_active_project(act)
Slot connected with the active project action.
- (nil) change_title
Changes the title.
- (nil) choose_plugins
Slot connected with the ‘Choose Plugins’ action.
- (Boolean) close_all_views(ask = true)
Slot connected with the ‘Close All’ action.
- (Boolean) close_current_editor
Slot connected to the ‘Close Current’ action.
- (nil) close_current_project
Slot connectedto the ‘Close Current Project’ action.
- - (Object) close_current_tab slot private
- (Object) close_editor(editor, ask = true)
Closes an editor view.
- (Boolean) close_other_views
Slot connected to the ‘Close All Other’ action.
- (nil) configure_document
Slot associated with the Configure Document action.
- (nil) configure_project
Slot connected with the ‘Configure Project’ action.
- (nil) display_about_plugin_dlg
Slot connected to the actions in the “about_plugins_list” action list.
- (EditorView?) display_document(doc, hints = {})
(also: #display_doc)
Displays an editor for the given document.
- (nil) document_created(doc)
Slot called whenever a new document is created.
- (nil) document_modified_changed(mod)
Slot called whenever the modified status of a document changes.
- (nil) document_url_changed
Slot called whenever the document url changes.
- (EditorView?) editor_for!(doc, hints = {})
Returns an editor associated with the given document, creating it if needed.
- (Object) execute_action(name, *args)
Executes a given action.
- (Pane?) find_next_pane(from, orientation, direction)
Finds the next or previous pane in single view mode from a given pane.
- (EditorView?) focus_on_editor
Gives focus to an editor view.
- (EditorView?) gui_open_file(file, give_focus = true, hints = DEFAULT_HINTS)
Opens a file in an editor, gives focus to it and adds it to the list of recent files.
- (MainWindow) initialize(_manager, pdf)
Creates a new MainWindow.
- (nil) load_settings
Override of PluginLike#load_settings.
- (EditorView) move_among_views
Slot associated with the Next/Previous View Horizontally/Vertically actions.
- (EditorView) new_file
Slot connected to the ‘New File’ action.
- (nil) new_project
Slot connected with the ‘New Project’ action.
- (EditorView?) next_document
Slot connected with the ‘Next Document’ action.
- (Array<EditorView>) open_file
Slot connected to the ‘Open File’ action.
- (EditorView?) open_file_in_project
Slot connected to the ‘Quick Open File’ action.
- (Project?) open_project
Slot connected to the ‘Open Project’ action.
- (EditorView) open_recent_file(url)
Slot connected to the ‘Open Recent File’ action.
- (Project?) open_recent_project(url)
Slot connected to the ‘Open Recent Projet’ action.
- (nil) preferences
Slot connected to the ‘Configure Ruber’ action.
- (EditorView?) previous_document
Slot connected with the ‘Previous Document’ action.
- (String) projects_directory
The default directory where to look for, and create, projects.
- (TrueClass) query_close
Override of PluginLike#query_close.
- (Boolean) queryClose
Override of
. -
- (TrueClass) queryExit
Override of
. -
- (nil) readProperties(conf)
Reads the properties from the config object for session management.
- (nil) remove_about_plugin_action(comp)
Removes the About entry for the given menu from the “about plugins list” of the Help menu.
- (nil) remove_plugin_ui_actions(plug)
Removes the gui action handlers for all the actions belonging to the given plugin from the list of handlers.
- (EditorView?) replace_editor(old, editor_or_doc)
Replaces an editor with another.
- (Project?) safe_open_project(file, allow_reuse = false)
Opens a project, displaying amessage boxe in case of errors.
- (Boolean) save_documents(docs = nil)
Asks the user to save multiple documents.
- (nil) save_settings
Override of PluginLike#save_settings.
- (nil) saveProperties(conf)
Saves the properties for session management.
- (nil) select_active_project_entry
Checks the entry in the Active Project action which corresponds to the current project.
- (nil) setup_initial_states
Gives the UI states their initial values.
- (nil) show_user_manual
Slot connected to the ‘Ruber User Manual’ action.
- (nil) slot_active_editor_changed(view)
Slot called whenever the active editor changes.
- - (Object) slot_active_environment_changed(new, old) slot private
- - (Object) slot_project_closing(prj) slot private
- - (Object) slot_project_created(prj) slot private
- (EditorView) split_horizontally
Slot associated with the Split Horizontally action.
- (EditorView) split_vertically
Slot associated with the Split Vertically action.
- (EditorView) switch_to_document
Slot associated with the actions in the Switch to Document submenu.
- (EditorView) switch_to_file
Slot associated with the Switch to File action.
- (EditorView) switch_to_new_document
Slot associated with the Switch to New Document action.
- (EditorView) switch_to_recent_file(url)
Slot associated with Switch to Recent File action.
- (Object) tab(arg)
The toplevel pane corresponding to the given index or editor.
- (Object) tabs
The toplevel panes associated with the active environment.
- (nil) toggle_tool_widget
Slot associated with the Toggle * Tool Widget action.
- (nil) update_active_project_menu(project = nil)
Updates the Active Project menu.
- (Object) update_switch_to_list
Slot which updates the
action list. -
- (Object) views(doc = nil)
The views contained in the active environment.
- (Object) without_activating { ... }
Executes the given block without automatically activating an editor whenever the current tab changes.
Methods included from GuiStatesHandler
#change_state, included, #initialize_states_handler, #register_action_handler, #remove_action_handler_for, #state
Methods included from PluginLike
#add_extensions_to_project, #add_options_to_project, #add_widgets_to_project, #create_tool_widget, #delayed_initialize, #initialize_plugin, #plugin_name, #register_options, #register_with_project, #remove_extensions_from_project, #remove_from_project, #remove_options_from_project, #remove_widgets_from_project, #restore_session, #session_data, #setup_action, #setup_actions, #shutdown, #unload, #update_project
Signal Summary
API for feature main_window
Extensions API
- Only for:
- projects
Constructor Details
- (MainWindow) initialize(_manager, pdf)
Creates a new MainWindow. _manager is the component manager, while pdf is the plugin description for this object.
88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 88 def initialize _manager, pdf super nil, 0 initialize_plugin pdf initialize_states_handler @active_environment = nil @workspace = self self. = @workspace @workspace. Ruber[:world].default_environment. @ui_states = {} @actions_state_handlers ={|h, k| h[k] = []} @about_plugin_actions = [] @switch_to_actions = [] @activate_project_actions = [] @last_session_data = nil self. = self self.connect(SIGNAL('current_document_changed(QObject*)')) do |doc| change_state 'current_document', !doc.nil? end connect Ruber[:components], SIGNAL('component_loaded(QObject*)'), self, SLOT('add_about_plugin_action(QObject*)') connect Ruber[:components], SIGNAL('unloading_component(QObject*)'), self, SLOT('remove_about_plugin_action(QObject*)') connect Ruber[:components], SIGNAL('unloading_component(QObject*)'), self, SLOT('remove_plugin_ui_actions(QObject*)') connect Ruber[:world], SIGNAL('active_environment_changed_2(QObject*, QObject*)'), self, SLOT('slot_active_environment_changed(QObject*, QObject*)') connect Ruber[:world], SIGNAL('document_created(QObject*)'), self, SLOT('document_created(QObject*)') connect Ruber[:world], SIGNAL('closing_document(QObject*)'), self, SLOT(:update_switch_to_list) setup_actions action_collection active_project_action = action_collection.action('project-active_project') default_view_action = active_project_action.add_action '&None (single files mode)' connect Ruber[:world], SIGNAL('project_created(QObject*)'), self, SLOT('slot_project_created(QObject*)') connect Ruber[:world], SIGNAL('closing_project(QObject*)'), self, SLOT('slot_project_closing(QObject*)') Ruber[:world].connect SIGNAL('active_project_changed(QObject*)') do |prj| @active_environment = Ruber[:world].environment prj end setup_GUI create_shell_GUI true config_obj = Ruber[:config].kconfig apply_main_window_settings config_obj, 'MainWindow') recent_files = config_obj, 'Recent files' open_recent_action =action_collection.action("file_open_recent") open_recent_action.load_entries recent_files switch_to_recent_action = action_collection.action("window-switch_to_recent_file") switch_to_recent_action.load_entries recent_files # Synchronize the two menus, so that when the user clears one of them the also # is also cleared connect open_recent_action, SIGNAL(:recentListCleared), switch_to_recent_action, SLOT(:clear) connect switch_to_recent_action, SIGNAL(:recentListCleared), open_recent_action, SLOT(:clear) recent_projects = config_obj, 'Recent projects' action_collection.action("project-open_recent").load_entries recent_projects .show setup_initial_states Ruber[:world].active_environment = Ruber[:world].default_environment end |
Instance Attribute Details
- (Object) last_session_data (readonly)
A hash with the data stored in the session manager by plugins. The hash is only availlable after the restore method has been called (which means that it will always be unavaillable if ruber wasn’t started by the session manager). If the hash isn’t availlable, nil is returned
NOTE: only for use by Application when restoring the session
82 83 84 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 82 def last_session_data @last_session_data end |
- (Workspace) workspace (readonly)
The widget which contains the tool widgets.
The primary use of this method is to connect to the signals emitted from the workspace when a tool widget is raised, shown or hidden. All of its other methods are also provided by the MainWindow, so you shouldn’t need to access the workspace to use them.
72 73 74 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 72 def workspace @workspace end |
Instance Method Details
- (Object) :@workspace
:method: tool_widgets Returns a hash having the tool widgets as keys and their positions as values. See Workspace#tool_widgets for more information.
169 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 169 def_delegator :@workspace, :add_tool_widget, :add_tool |
- (KDE::Action) action_for_project(prj) (private)
The action in the Active Project action list associated with a project
598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 598 def action_for_project prj active_project_action = action_collection.action 'project-active_project' if prj file = prj.project_file active_project_action.actions.find do |a| a.object_name == "projects-activate_project-project_file_#{file}" end else active_project_action.action 0 end end |
- (Object) activate_editor(editor)
Activates an editor
If the editor is not in the current tab, the tab it belongs to becomes active.
Activating an editor means merging its GUI with the main window’s GUI, changing the title of the main window accordingly and telling the status bar to refer to that view.
After activating the editor, the #current_document_changed and #active_editor_changed signals are emitted.
370 371 372 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 370 def activate_editor editor @active_environment.activate_editor editor end |
Slot Signature:
- (Object) active_document Also known as: current_document
The document associated with the active editor
435 436 437 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 435 def active_document (ed = active_editor) ? ed.document : nil end |
- (EditorView?) active_editor Also known as: current_editor
The active editor
351 352 353 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 351 def active_editor @active_environment.active_editor end |
- (nil) add_about_plugin_action(comp) (private)
this method doesn’t check whether the action already exists for the given plugin. Since it’s usually called in response to the component_loaded signal of the component manager, there shouldn’t be problems with this
this method does nothing for core components
Creates an About entry for a component in the “about plugins list” of the Help menu
396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 396 def add_about_plugin_action comp name = comp.plugin_name return unless comp.is_a? Plugin unplug_action_list 'about_plugins_list' a = action_collection.add_action "__about_#{name}", self, SLOT(:display_about_plugin_dlg) a.object_name = name.to_s a.text = comp.plugin_description.about.human_name unless comp.plugin_description.about.icon.empty? a.icon = end @about_plugin_actions << a plug_action_list 'about_plugins_list', @about_plugin_actions nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (Project?) change_active_project(act) (private)
Slot connected with the active project action
It makes the project corresponding to the selected action active. If the selected action is the None action, then all projects will be deactivated.
If the project associated with the action is already the current project, nothing will be done
620 621 622 623 624 625 626 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 620 def change_active_project act #object_name returns nil instead of an empty string if not set match = (act.object_name || '').match(/projects-activate_project-project_file_(.*)$/) prj = match ? Ruber[:world].projects[match[1]] : nil Ruber[:world].active_project = prj prj end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) change_title (private)
Changes the title
The title is created basing on the open project, the current document and its modified status
207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 207 def change_title title = '' prj = @active_environment.project if prj title << (prj.project_name ? prj.project_name : File.basename(prj.project_file, '.ruprj')) end doc = active_document if doc and doc.path.empty? title << ' - ' << doc.document_name elsif doc title << ' - ' << doc.path end title.sub!(/\A\s+-/, '') mod = doc.modified? rescue false set_caption title, mod nil end |
- (nil) choose_plugins (private)
Slot connected with the ‘Choose Plugins’ action
It displays the choose plugins dialog then (unless the user canceled the dialog) unloads all plugins and reloads them.
If there’s a problem while reloading the plugins, the application is closed after informing the user
272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 272 def choose_plugins dlg = self return if dlg.exec == Qt::Dialog::Rejected loaded = [] Ruber[:components].plugins.each do |pl| pl.save_settings loaded << pl.plugin_name end loaded.reverse_each{|pl| Ruber[:components].unload_plugin pl} res = Ruber[:app].safe_load_plugins close unless res nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (Boolean) close_all_views(ask = true) (private)
Slot connected with the ‘Close All’ action
It closes all the editors and documents associated with them. If any document is modified and ask is true, the user will be ask whether to save them, discard the changes or don’t close the views. In the latter case, nothing will be done. If ask is false, the documents will be closed even if they’re modified, without asking the user.
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 171 def close_all_views ask = true views = @active_environment.views docs = return false if ask and !save_documents docs @active_environment.activate_editor nil views.to_a.each{|v| close_editor v, false} true end |
Slot Signature:
- (Boolean) close_current_editor (private)
Slot connected to the ‘Close Current’ action
It closes the current editor, if any. If this is the last editor associated with its document and the document is modified, the user is asked to choose whether to save it, discard changes or not close the view.
98 99 100 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 98 def close_current_editor close_editor active_editor if active_editor end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) close_current_project (private)
Slot connectedto the ‘Close Current Project’ action
It closes the current project, if any, warning the user if, for any reason, the project couldn’t be saved
225 226 227 228 229 230 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 225 def close_current_project unless @active_environment.project.close KDE::MessageBox.sorry self, "The project couldn't be saved" end nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (Object) close_current_tab (private)
102 103 104 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 102 def close_current_tab @active_environment.close_tab @active_environment..current_index end |
Slot Signature:
- (Object) close_editor(editor, ask = true)
Always use this method to close an editor, rather than calling its close method directly, unless you want to leave the corresponding document without a view
Closes an editor view
509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 509 def close_editor editor, ask = true @active_environment.close_editor editor, ask # doc = editor.document # if doc.views.size > 1 # editor.close # true # else doc.close ask # end end |
- (Boolean) close_other_views (private)
Slot connected to the ‘Close All Other’ action
It closes all the editors except the current one. All documents with an open editor, except for the one associated with the current editor, will be closed. If any document is modified, the user will be ask whether to save them, discard the changes or don’t close the views. In the latter case, nothing will be done
143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 143 def close_other_views to_close = @active_environment..inject([]) do |res, pn| res += pn.each_view.to_a res end to_close.delete active_editor if save_documents{|v| v.document}.uniq to_close.each{|v| close_editor v, false} true else false end end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) configure_document (private)
Slot associated with the Configure Document action
Displays the configuration dialog for the current document, if it exists
440 441 442 443 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 440 def configure_document active_document.own_project.dialog.exec nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) configure_project (private)
Slot connected with the ‘Configure Project’ action
It displays the configure project dialog for the current project. It does nothing if there’s no active project
294 295 296 297 298 299 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 294 def configure_project prj = @active_environment.project raise "No project is selected" unless prj prj.dialog.exec nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) display_about_plugin_dlg (private)
Slot connected to the actions in the “about_plugins_list” action list.
Displays a dialog with the about data regarding a plugin. The plugin to use is determined from the triggered action
377 378 379 380 381 382 383 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 377 def display_about_plugin_dlg name = sender.object_name.to_sym data = Ruber[name].about_data dlg = data, self dlg.exec nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView?) display_document(doc, hints = {}) Also known as: display_doc
Displays an editor for the given document
This method is similar to #editor_for! but, after retrieving the editor (creating it and/or the document as needed), it activates and gives focus to it and moves the cursor to the given position.
Besides the keys listed in #editor_for!, hints can also contain the two entries
and :column
459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 459 def display_document doc, hints = {} @active_environment.display_document doc, hints # ed = editor_for! doc, hints # return unless ed # activate_editor ed # line = hints[:line] # ed.go_to line, hints[:column] || 0 if line # ed.set_focus # ed end |
- (nil) document_created(doc) (private)
Slot called whenever a new document is created
It adds the document to the part manager and makes several signal-slot connections
98 99 100 101 102 103 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 98 def document_created doc connect doc, SIGNAL('modified_changed(bool, QObject*)'), self, SLOT('document_modified_changed(bool)') connect doc, SIGNAL('document_url_changed(QObject*)'), self, SLOT(:document_url_changed) connect doc, SIGNAL(:completed), self, SLOT(:document_url_changed) update_switch_to_list end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) document_modified_changed(mod) (private)
this method uses Qt::Object#sender
to determine the document which emitted
the signal, so it can only be called as a slot
Slot called whenever the modified status of a document changes
It updates the icon on the tab of the document’s editor and (if the document is active) the window title accordingly.
Nothing is done if the document isn’t associated with a view
237 238 239 240 241 242 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 237 def document_modified_changed mod doc = self.sender change_title # update_document_icon doc nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) document_url_changed (private)
Slot called whenever the document url changes
It changes the title and icon of the tab and changes the title of the window is the document is active.
Nothing is done if the document isn’t associated with a view
254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 254 def document_url_changed doc = self.sender # return unless doc.has_view? # change_title # doc.views.each do |v| # v.parent.label = @view_manager.label_for_editor v # tab = v # if @view_manager.focus_editor? v, tab # idx = @tabs.index_of tab # @tabs.set_tab_text idx, doc.document_name # end # end # update_document_icon doc unless doc.path.empty? action_collection.action('file_open_recent').add_url end nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView?) editor_for!(doc, hints = {})
Returns an editor associated with the given document, creating it if needed
If doc is not a document and no document for the file representing by the string or URL doc is open, it will be created.
Since there can be more than one editor associated with the document, the optional
hints argument can be used to specify which one should be returned. If no editor
exists for the document, or none of the exisiting ones statisfy the existing
hint, a new one will be created, unless the create_if_needed
hint is false.
279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 279 def editor_for! doc, hints = {} @active_environment.editor_for! doc, hints # hints = DEFAULT_HINTS.merge hints # if hints[:new] == :replace # if active_editor # hints[:existing] = :never # hints[:show] = false # else hints[:new] = :new_tab # end # end # docs = Ruber[:documents].documents # unless doc.is_a? Document # unless hints.has_key? :close_starting_document # hints[:close_starting_document] = docs.size == 1 && # docs[0].extension(:ruber_default_document).default_document && # docs[0].pristine? # end # url = doc # if url.is_a? String # url = url # if url.relative? # path = File.expand_path url.path # url.path = path # end # end # doc = Ruber[:documents].document url # end # return unless doc # ed = @view_manager.without_activating{@view_manager.editor_for doc, hints} # if hints[:new] == :replace # replace_editor active_editor, ed # else ed # end end |
- (Object) execute_action(name, *args)
Executes a given action
724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 724 def execute_action name, *args data = plugin_description.actions[name.to_s] if data slot = data.slot.sub(/\(.*/, '') instance_eval(data.receiver).send slot, *args true elsif (action = action_collection.action(name)) if action.class == KDE::ToggleAction then KDE::ToggleAction action.instance_eval{emit toggled(*args)} elsif action.class == KDE::Action action.instance_eval{emit triggered()} else action.instance_eval{emit triggered(*args)} end true else false end end |
- (Pane?) find_next_pane(from, orientation, direction) (private)
Maybe move this method to Pane class
Finds the next or previous pane in single view mode from a given pane
According to the second argument, the direction will be either horizontal or vertical.
The search will be carried out first among siblings and their children, then among ancestors.
705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 705 def find_next_pane from, orientation, direction loop do parent = from.parent_pane return nil unless parent idx = parent.splitter.index_of from if parent.orientation == orientation new_idx = idx + (direction == :next ? 1 : -1) pane = parent.splitter. new_idx return pane.views[0].parent if pane end to_try = parent.panes[direction == :next ? (idx+1)..-1 : 0...idx] until to_try.empty? do idx = direction == :next ? 0 : -1 pane = to_try[idx] if pane.single_view? then to_try.delete_at idx else if pane.orientation == orientation then return pane.views[idx].parent else to_try.delete_at idx to_try.unshift *pane.panes end end end from = parent end end |
- (EditorView?) focus_on_editor - (EditorView?) focus_on_editor(editor) - (EditorView?) focus_on_editor(doc, hints = DEFAULT_HINTS)
Gives focus to an editor view
Giving focus to the editor implies:
- bringing the tab containing it to the foreground
- activating the editor
- giving focus to the editor
701 702 703 704 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 701 def focus_on_editor active_editor.set_focus if active_editor active_editor end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView?) gui_open_file(file, give_focus = true, hints = DEFAULT_HINTS) (private)
Opens a file in an editor, gives focus to it and adds it to the list of recent files
If needed, a document is created for the file.
If the file can’t be opened, nothing is done.
See #editor_for! for the values which can be included in hints
189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 189 def gui_open_file file, give_focus = true, hints = DEFAULT_HINTS editor = @active_environment.editor_for! file, hints return unless editor editor.set_focus if give_focus url = file action_collection.action('file_open_recent').add_url url, url.file_name action_collection.action('window-switch_to_recent_file').add_url url, url.file_name editor end |
- (nil) load_settings
Override of PluginLike#load_settings
659 660 661 662 663 664 665 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 659 def load_settings c = Ruber[:config][:general] @default_script_dir = KDE::Url.from_path c.default_script_directory @default_project_dir = KDE::Url.from_path c.default_project_directory @tabs.tabs_closable = Ruber[:config][:workspace, :close_buttons] if @tabs nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView) move_among_views (private)
Slot associated with the Next/Previous View Horizontally/Vertically actions
According to the name of the action, it gives focus to the next/previous view in the current tab going horizontally/vertically. If the current tab only contains one view, nothing is done.
this method uses sender
to find out which action emitted the signal,
so you can’t call it directly
675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 675 def move_among_views action_name = sender.object_name direction = action_name.match('next') ? :next : :previous orientation = action_name.match(/horizontal/) ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical pane = find_next_pane active_editor.parent, orientation, direction tabs = @active_environment. view = pane ? pane.view : tabs..views[direction == :next ? 0 : -1] view.set_focus end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView) new_file (private)
Slot connected to the ‘New File’ action
It creates and activates a new, empty file
49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 49 def new_file display_doc Ruber[:world].new_document end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) new_project (private)
Slot connected with the ‘New Project’ action
It displays the new project dialog. Unless the user cancels the dialog, it creates the project directory and creates and saves a new project with the parameters chosen by the user. The new project is then activated. If there was another active project, it’s closed
311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 311 def new_project dlg = self return if dlg.exec == Qt::Dialog::Rejected dir = File.dirname dlg.project_file FileUtils.mkdir dir unless dir prj = Ruber[:world].new_project dlg.project_file, dlg.project_name action_collection.action('project-open_recent').add_url # Ruber[:projects].close_current_project if Ruber[:projects].current Ruber[:world].active_project = prj nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView?) next_document (private)
Slot connected with the ‘Next Document’ action
Activates the tab to the right of the current one. If the current tab is the last one, it returns to the first
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 332 def next_document tabs = @active_environment. idx = tabs.current_index new_idx = idx + 1 < tabs.count ? idx + 1 : 0 tabs.current_index = new_idx active_editor end |
Slot Signature:
- (Array<EditorView>) open_file (private)
Slot connected to the ‘Open File’ action.
It asks the user for the file(s) or URL to open, then creates a document and and editor for each of them. If a document for some of the files already exists, it will be used. If an editor for one of the files already exists, it will be used.
After calling this method, the editor associated with the last file chosen by the user will become active
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 66 def open_file dir = KDE::Url.from_path(@active_environment.project.project_directory) rescue filenames = KDE::FileDialog.get_open_urls(dir, OPEN_DLG_FILTERS.join("\n") , self) # editors = [] # without_activating do editors ={|f| gui_open_file(f, false)} # end unless editors.empty? @active_environment.activate_editor editors[0] editors[-1].set_focus end editors end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView?) open_file_in_project (private)
Slot connected to the ‘Quick Open File’ action
It opens the file chosen by the user in a quick open file dialog
239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 239 def open_file_in_project dlg = @active_environment.project, self if dlg.exec == Qt::Dialog::Accepted editor = @active_environment.display_document dlg.chosen_file editor.set_focus action_collection.action('file_open_recent').add_url( ) editor end end |
Slot Signature:
- (Project?) open_project (private)
Slot connected to the ‘Open Project’ action
It opens the project chosen by the user using an open dialog
205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 205 def open_project filename = KDE::FileDialog.get_open_file_name KDE::Url.from_path( ENV['HOME'] ), '*.ruprj|Ruber project files (*.ruprj)', self, KDE::i18n('Open project') return unless filename prj = safe_open_project filename return unless prj Ruber[:world].active_project = prj url = prj.project_file action_collection.action('project-open_recent').add_url url, url.file_name prj end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView) open_recent_file(url) (private)
Slot connected to the ‘Open Recent File’ action
It opens the file associated with the specified URL in an editor and gives it focus
85 86 87 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 85 def open_recent_file url gui_open_file url.path end |
Slot Signature:
- (Project?) open_recent_project(url) (private)
Slot connected to the ‘Open Recent Projet’ action
It opens and activates the project associated with the file described by the given URL
189 190 191 192 193 194 195 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 189 def open_recent_project url prj = safe_open_project url.path return unless prj Ruber[:world].active_project = prj action_collection.action('project-open_recent').add_url url, url.file_name prj end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) preferences (private)
Slot connected to the ‘Configure Ruber’ action
It displays the configuration dialog
256 257 258 259 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 256 def preferences Ruber[:config].dialog.exec nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView?) previous_document (private)
Slot connected with the ‘Previous Document’ action
Activates the tab to the left of the current one. If the current tab is the first one, it jumps to the last
348 349 350 351 352 353 354 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 348 def previous_document tabs = @active_environment. idx = tabs.current_index new_idx = idx > 0 ? idx - 1 : tabs.count - 1 tabs.current_index = new_idx nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (String) projects_directory
The default directory where to look for, and create, projects
710 711 712 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 710 def projects_directory @default_project_dir end |
- (TrueClass) query_close
Override of PluginLike#query_close
It stores the session data retrieved by the component manager in case of session saving and does nothing otherwise.
575 576 577 578 579 580 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 575 def query_close if Ruber[:app].session_saving @session_data = Ruber[:components].session_data end true end |
- (Boolean) queryClose (protected)
Override of KParts::MainWindow#queryClose
It calls the ask_to_quit method of the application.
49 50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 49 def queryClose res = Ruber[:app].ask_to_quit res end |
- (TrueClass) queryExit (protected)
Override of KParts::MainWindow#queryExit
It calls the quit_ruber method of the application
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 59 def queryExit #There's a C++-side crash in any view is open after this method when closing #a session. As I have no clue as why this happens, for the time being, as #a workaround, we close all the documents. #For some reason, this method is called twice when closing a session #but only when Ruber is launched from the global installation (that is, typing #ruber in the shell), and not when testing from xsm. This causes a number of #problems, the most evident is the save_settings method being called twice, #one of the times after all documents have been closed. This obviously breaks #the state plugin. To avoid the issue, we use an instance variable to keep #trace of whether the method has already been called or not. Ruber[:app].quit_ruber #is only called the first time, while the documents are only closed the #second time if @query_exit_called Ruber[:world].close_all :documents, :discard else Ruber[:app].quit_ruber @query_exit_called = true end true end |
- (nil) readProperties(conf) (protected)
Reads the properties from the config object for session management
83 84 85 86 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 83 def readProperties conf @last_session_data = YAML.load conf.read_entry('Ruber', '{}') nil end |
- (nil) remove_about_plugin_action(comp) (private)
this method doesn’t check whether the action for the given plugin actually exists. Since it’s usually called in response to the unloading_component signal of the component manager, there shouldn’t be problems with this
this method does nothing for core components
Removes the About entry for the given menu from the “about plugins list” of the Help menu
423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 423 def remove_about_plugin_action comp name = comp.plugin_name.to_s return unless comp.is_a? Plugin unplug_action_list 'about_plugins_list' a = @about_plugin_actions.find{|i| i.object_name == comp.plugin_name.to_s} @about_plugin_actions.delete a plug_action_list 'about_plugins_list', @about_plugin_actions a.delete_later end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) remove_plugin_ui_actions(plug) (private)
Removes the gui action handlers for all the actions belonging to the given plugin from the list of handlers
280 281 282 283 284 285 286 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 280 def remove_plugin_ui_actions plug @actions_state_handlers.delete_if do |state, hs| hs.delete_if{|h| h.plugin == plug} hs.empty? end nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView?) replace_editor(old, new_ed) - (EditorView?) replace_editor(old, doc)
Replaces an editor with another
If the editor to be replaced is the only one associated witha given document and the document is modified, the user is asked whether he wants to save it or not. If he chooses to abort, the editor is not replaced, otherwise the document is closed.
The new editor is put in the same pane which contained the old one (without splitting it).
402 403 404 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 402 def replace_editor old, editor_or_doc @active_environment.replace_editor old, editor_or_doc end |
- (Project?) safe_open_project(file, allow_reuse = false)
Opens a project, displaying amessage boxe in case of errors
This method provides a standard interface for creating a project from a project file named, automatically handling the possible exceptions.
In particular, a message box will be displayed if the project file doesn’t exist or if it exists but it’s not a valid project file.
If the project corresponding to the given file is already open, the behaviour depends on the value of allow_reuse. If false, the user is warned with a message box that the project is already open and nothing is done. If allow_reuse is true, the existing project is returned.
The new project will be made active and the existing one (if any) will be closed
604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 604 def safe_open_project file, allow_reuse = false prj = Ruber[:world].projects[file] if !allow_reuse and prj text = i18n("A project corresponding to the file %s is already open. Please, close it before attempting to open it again" % file) KDE::MessageBox.sorry self, KDE.i18n(text) return nil elsif prj then return prj end = nil begin prj = Ruber[:world].project file rescue Project::InvalidProjectFile => ex text = "%s isn't a valid project file. The error reported was:\n%s" = i18n(text) % [file, ex.] rescue LoadError then = i18n(ex.) end if prj # The following two line should be removed when we'll allow more than one project # open at the same time # Ruber[:projects].current_project.close if Ruber[:projects].current_project Ruber[:world].active_project = prj prj else KDE::MessageBox.sorry self, nil end end |
- (Boolean) save_documents(docs = nil)
Asks the user to save multiple documents
This method is meant to be called in situation where the user may want to save a number of documents, for example when the application is quitting, as it avoids displaying a dialog box for each modified document.
It displays a dialog where the user can choose, among the documents passed as first argument, which ones he wants to save. The user has three choiches:
- save some (or all) the files, then proceed with the operation which has caused the dialog to be shown (for example, quitting the application)
- don’t save any file and go on with the operation
- abort the operation.
In the first case, this method attempts to perform save the selected files. If any of them can’t be saved, the dialog to choose the files to save will be displayed again, with only those files which couldn’t be saved (after informing the user of the failure). The user can again chose which of those files this method should attempt to save again, or whether to abort the operation or skip saving. This will be repeated until all files have been saved or the user gives up
In the second and third cases, the method simply returns respectively true or false.
548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 548 def save_documents docs = nil docs ||= Ruber[:world].documents to_save ={|d| d.modified?} until to_save.empty? dlg = to_save, self to_save = dlg.to_save case dlg.exec when KDE::Dialog::Yes to_save.delete_if{|doc|} unless to_save.empty? msg = "The following documents couldn't be saved: #{to_save.join "\n"}\nPlease, choose how to proceed" KDE::MessageBox.sorry nil, KDE.i18n(msg) end when KDE::Dialog::No then to_save.clear when Qt::Dialog::Rejected then return false end end true end |
- (nil) save_settings
Override of PluginLike#save_settings
It saves recent files and projects, the position of the splitters and the size of the window.
639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 639 def save_settings @workspace.store_sizes # TODO see if the following line works. Otherwise, remove it and uncomment the one # following it config = Ruber[:config].kconfig # config = KDE::Global.config recent_files = config, 'Recent files' action_collection.action("file_open_recent").save_entries recent_files recent_projects = config, 'Recent projects' action_collection.action("project-open_recent").save_entries recent_projects config.sync c = Ruber[:config][:main_window] c.window_size = rect.size nil end |
- (nil) saveProperties(conf) (protected)
Saves the properties for session management
69 70 71 72 73 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 69 def saveProperties conf data = YAML.dump @session_data conf.write_entry 'Ruber', data nil end |
- (nil) select_active_project_entry (private)
Checks the entry in the Active Project action which corresponds to the current project
If there’s no current project, the action which deactivates all projects is selected.
If the action corresponding to the current project is already selected, nothing is done.
582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 582 def select_active_project_entry active_project_action = action_collection.action 'project-active_project' to_select = action_for_project Ruber[:world].active_project unless to_select == active_project_action.current_action active_project_action.current_action = to_select end nil end |
- (nil) setup_initial_states (private)
Gives the UI states their initial values
292 293 294 295 296 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 292 def setup_initial_states change_state 'active_project_exists', false change_state 'current_document', false nil end |
- (nil) show_user_manual (private)
Slot connected to the ‘Ruber User Manual’ action
Opens the user’s browser and points it to the user manual
363 364 365 366 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 363 def show_user_manual KDE::Run.run_url''), 'text/html', self nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (nil) slot_active_editor_changed(view) (private)
Slot called whenever the active editor changes
It emits the #current_document_changed and #active_editor_changed signals and updates the title and the statusbar
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 131 def slot_active_editor_changed view .view = view emit current_document_changed view ? view.document : nil emit active_editor_changed view change_title set_state 'current_document', !view.nil? nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (Object) slot_active_environment_changed(new, old) (private)
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 106 def slot_active_environment_changed(new, old) if old old.disconnect SIGNAL('active_editor_changed(QWidget*)'), self, SLOT('slot_active_editor_changed(QWidget*)') end @active_environment = new if new connect new, SIGNAL('active_editor_changed(QWidget*)'), self, SLOT('slot_active_editor_changed(QWidget*)') @workspace. = new. change_state 'active_project_exists', !new.project.nil? select_active_project_entry change_title else Ruber[:world].active_environment = Ruber[:world].default_environment end end |
Slot Signature:
slot_active_environment_changed(QObject*, QObject*)
- (Object) slot_project_closing(prj) (private)
147 148 149 150 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 147 def slot_project_closing prj @workspace. prj.environment. prj end |
Slot Signature:
- (Object) slot_project_created(prj) (private)
141 142 143 144 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_internal.rb', line 141 def slot_project_created prj @workspace. prj.environment. end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView) split_horizontally (private)
Slot associated with the Split Horizontally action
It splits the active view horizontally, so that a new copy of the view is created.
this method can only be called when there’s an active view.
468 469 470 471 472 473 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 468 def split_horizontally ed = @active_environment.active_editor @active_environment.display_document ed.document, :existing => :never, :new => ed, :split => :horizontal ed.set_focus end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView) split_vertically (private)
Slot associated with the Split Vertically action
It splits the active view vertically, so that a new copy of the view is created.
this method can only be called when there’s an active view.
484 485 486 487 488 489 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 484 def split_vertically ed = @active_environment.active_editor @active_environment.display_document ed.document, :existing => :never, :new => ed, :split => :vertical ed.set_focus end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView) switch_to_document (private)
this method can only be called when there’s an active view
this method uses sender
to find out the action which emitted the signal,
so it shouldn’t be called directly
Slot associated with the actions in the Switch to Document submenu
It creates a new editor for an already-existing document and replaces the active
editor with it, giving focus to it. The document to use is determined from the
of the action.
640 641 642 643 644 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 640 def switch_to_document doc = Ruber[:world].documents.document_with_name sender.object_name ed = replace_editor active_editor, doc ed.set_focus if ed end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView) switch_to_file (private)
Slot associated with the Switch to File action
It allows the user to choose a file, then creates a document for that file, replaces
the active editor with a new one associated with the document and gives focus to it.
this method can only be called when there’s an active view
517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 517 def switch_to_file dir = KDE::Url.from_path(@active_environment.project.project_directory) rescue filename = KDE::FileDialog.get_open_url(dir, OPEN_DLG_FILTERS.join("\n") , self) return unless filename.valid? Ruber::Application.process_events ed = replace_editor active_editor, filename ed.set_focus if ed ed end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView) switch_to_new_document (private)
Slot associated with the Switch to New Document action
It creates a new empty document, replaces the current editor with an editor
associated to it and gives focus to it.
this method can only be called when there’s an active view
501 502 503 504 505 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 501 def switch_to_new_document old = active_editor ed = replace_editor old, Ruber[:world].new_document ed.set_focus if ed end |
Slot Signature:
- (EditorView) switch_to_recent_file(url) (private)
Slot associated with Switch to Recent File action
It creates a new document for the given URL (if needed), creates a new editor for it, replaces the active editor with it and gives focus to it.
this method can only be called when there’s an active view
658 659 660 661 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 658 def switch_to_recent_file url ed = replace_editor active_editor, url ed.set_focus if ed end |
Slot Signature:
- (Pane) tab(idx) - (Pane) tab(editor)
The toplevel pane corresponding to the given index or editor
425 426 427 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 425 def tab arg arg end |
- (Object) tabs
The toplevel panes associated with the active environment
150 151 152 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 150 def tabs @active_environment.tabs end |
- (nil) toggle_tool_widget (private)
Slot associated with the Toggle * Tool Widget action
It identifies the tool widget to toggle basing on the name of the triggered action
452 453 454 455 456 457 458 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 452 def side = sender.object_name.match(/(left|right|bottom)/)[1].to_sym w = @workspace.(side) return unless w @workspace.toggle_tool w nil end |
Slot Signature:
Updates the Active Project menu
555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 555 def project = nil activate_action = action_collection.action 'project-active_project' old_actions = activate_action.actions activate_action.remove_all_actions activate_action.add_action old_actions.delete_at(0) old_actions.each{|a| a.delete_later} Ruber[:world].projects.sort_by{|pr| pr.project_name}.each do |prj| next if prj == project name = "projects-activate_project-project_file_#{prj.project_file}" a = activate_action.add_action prj.project_name a.object_name = name end nil end |
Slot Signature:
- (Object) update_switch_to_list (private)
Slot which updates the window-switch_to_open_document_list
action list
This method is called whenever a document is created or deleted. It updates the action list so that it contains an action for each of the open documents
534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window_actions.rb', line 534 def update_switch_to_list unplug_action_list "window-switch_to_open_document_list" @switch_to_actions = Ruber[:world] do |doc| a = action_collection.add_action "switch_to_#{doc.document_name}", self, SLOT(:switch_to_document) a.text = KDE.i18n("Switch to %s") % [doc.document_name] a.object_name = doc.document_name a end @switch_to_actions = @switch_to_actions.sort_by{|a| a.object_name} plug_action_list "window-switch_to_open_document_list", @switch_to_actions end |
Slot Signature:
- (Object) views(doc = nil)
The views contained in the active environment
161 162 163 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 161 def views doc = nil @active_environment.views end |
- (Object) without_activating { ... }
automatical editor activation will be restored at the end of this method (even if exceptions occur).
Executes the given block without automatically activating an editor whenever the current tab changes
This method should be used, for example, when more than one editor should be opened at once. Without this, every new editor would become (for a little time) the active one, with its gui merged with the main window and so on. This slows things down and should be avoided. To do so, you use this method:
Ruber[:main_window].without_activating do ed = nil files.each do |f| ed = Ruber[:main_window].editor_for! f end Ruber[:main_window].activate_editor ed end
After calling this method, the focus widget of the current tab gets focus
495 496 497 498 |
# File 'lib/ruber/main_window/main_window.rb', line 495 def without_activating &blk # @view_manager.without_activating &blk end |
Signal Details
- current_document_changed(QObject* arg1)
- active_editor_changed(QObject* arg1)