Module: Ruber::FindInFiles

Defined in:


Plugin which allows the user to perform searches and replacements in a range of files

This plugin, which is mostly a frontend for the rak program, consists in a dialog and two tool widgets.

The dialog is where the user chooses the search criteria (the text to search, the directory where to look and filters to limit the kind of files to look for) and, optionally, the replacement text. Depending on whether the user presses the Find or the Replace button in the dialog, a find or a replacement operation is started.

The tool widgets display the results of the search and replacement operations. In particular, in case of a replacement, nothing is actually replaced when the user presses the Replace button in the dialog. Instead, when this happens, the Replace tool widgets is filled with a list of potential replacements. The user can uncheck the replacements he doesn’t like. The replacements are only applied when he presses the Replace button on the tool widget. If a file changes before the user presses that button, replacements in it won’t be carried out.

API for feature find_in_files

Plugin object API

See API for FindInFilesPlugin

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: ConfigWidget, FindInFilesPlugin, FindReplaceInFilesDlg, FindWidget, ReplaceWidget