Module: Ruber::FilesRunner

Defined in:



Allow for other programs to be used as terminals


Allow to run unsaved documents in ruby by saving them to temporary files

Plugin which allows the user to run the current project or file he’s wokring on in ruby

This plugin allows to run in ruby the main file specified by the current project, the file corresponding to the current document or another file specified by the user. The output of the program (both standard output and standard error) are displayied in a tool widget.

To allow ruby to run a remote file (or a document associated with a remote file), a temporary file is created and the contents of the remote file are copied in it.

The interpreter to use can be set document- or project-wise using the Ruby runner plugin.

An action and an option are provided to decide whether the program should or not be run in a terminal. The action, if checked, has precedence over the option, so the user can force a program to be run in a terminal.

For a program to be run in terminal, the Konsole program must be installed.

API for feature ruby_development

Plugin object API

See API for Plugin

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: ConfigWidget, OutputWidget, Plugin, ProjectWidget